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Training Descriptions



This workshop is a direct service workshop for women struggling with relationship issues with significant others as well as other difficult relationships. The workshop equips the participants with the ability to recognize toxic relationships both past and present and to recognize the addictive nature of these relationships. Through the use of cognitive behavior approaches to change, participants will be equipped to recognize the effects of their pet peeves on relationships as well as the root causes of those pet peeves. Worksheets will be provided to assist participants with the pains of the past, empowering them to move forward-into their future. This workshop is specifically for women seeking recovery from a history of discomfort in relationships. This workshop does not offer certification hours for professionals.

This is a workshop available for both male and female audiences. The workshop specifically addresses toxic relationships involving significant others. An unmet need produces thirst. Due to unmet needs in our lives, have we in fact become thirsty; perhaps even dehydrated? At the point of dehydration, we may begin to hallucinate, seeing mirages of love in relationships when in fact there is no love there at all. This workshop addresses underling issues that have caused dehydration and ultimately obscured vision. Participants are empowered with life giving truth to correct obscured vision and allow them to make healthier choices.

Workshops focus on Recovery and Relapse as related to urges and triggers. Participants will receive insight on identifying the addiction cycle, triggers and high risk stimuli. Participants will explore the differences between healthy and unhealthy communication and confrontation; they will receive insight into the various types of domestic violence, why hurting people hurt people. They will review refusal skills and conflict resolution methods, ultimately increasing their ability to maintain ongoing recovery. 


Solution Focused Therapy For Enhancing The Recovery Experience For Substance Abuse And Mental Health Clients With Generational Suds And MH History:
This is a 6 contact hour training approved by MCBAP as SPECIFIC to substance abuse. This training is for addiction professionals and other service providers interested in increasing their arsenal of theories and approaches to therapy. Solution-Focused Brief therapy (SFBT) has been gaining momentum as a powerful therapeutic approach since its inception in the 1980s. Maintaining a lifestyle of recovery from substance abuse as well as from mental illness is often hindered by dwelling in past issues. By focusing on solutions instead of problems, SFBT assists clients in drawing upon strengths in their lives and focusing on solutions that can help them identify a preferred future and adapt behaviors conducive to bringing about that desired change. This training is designed to equip the Human Service Worker with key concepts and tools to assist the client in developing, clarifying and achieving solutions to problematic situations. Participants will be equipped to implement various types of questioning to their counseling styles, thus assisting the client in moving out of a past oriented focus and into a present and future solution oriented focus. Participants will be equipped with aspects of Solution Focused Therapy to increase the effectiveness of their therapeutic approaches and thus enhance the client's chances of ongoing recovery. Role play, videos and case study break-out sessions will enhance the therapist's training experience. Therapists will be encouraged to share therapeutic experiences and difficulties with cases (past and present-keeping clien's identity anonymous), providing further solution focused interaction geared towards problem solving.

Cognitive Behavior Theories & Approaches To Change: Restructuring & Rebt For Addressing Trauma With Substance Abuse And Mental Health Clients:
This is a 6 contact hour training approved by MCBAP as SPECIFIC to substance abuse. This training is for substance abuse professionals, social workers and other service providers interested in increasing their therapeutic effectiveness in working with clients presenting with post - traumatic stress disorder. Many substance abuse clients and mental health clients report having traumatic experiences in their past. Addressing these issues may increase their possibilities of ongoing recovery and reduce the recidivism rate. Participants will be provided with information to assist in helping the client understand and identify trauma and how it affects their recovery efforts. This training is designed to equip the Human Service Worker with CBT tools to assist the traumatized client with the ability to think rationally and restructure their perspective, while equipping the client with self-instruction problem solving and coping tools. Participants will view videos, engage in interactive discussion and share in case study break-out sessions using theories and approaches presented in this training.

Enhancing Motivation for Transitioning Through Stages of Change in Substance Abuse Treatment:
This is a one (1) day MCBAP approved training 6 Specific hours for Addiction Professionals, Social Workers, Probation Officers, Recovery Coaches and other service providers interested in improving their skills & knowledge in assessing client's stage of change and motivating them to transition to the next stage thus moving them into recovery maintenance. Participants will be familiarized with the various stages of change in addiction counseling and the vital importance of these stages in choosing counseling approaches and techniques. Participants will be familiarized with Motivational techniques, clinical guidelines for use of Stages of Change, S.N.A.P, as well as Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome.

SENSITIVITY TRAINING - Eliminating Desensitization & Burnout Effecting Substance Abuse Treatment and the Therapeutic Work Environment:
This is a one (1) day, six (6) contact hour MCBAP Approved Training Specific to Substance Abuse for addiction professionals and other service providers. Desensitization and burnout are common occurrences for substance abusers pursuing recovery and often lead to relapse due to lack of personal insight and coping skills to handle life challenges. Desensitization and burnout are also common occurrences for those working with substance abusers due to continual exposure to the traumatic experiences common to the substance abuse client. This training is designed to assist the Human Service Worker in reducing stress and recognizing signs of desensitization thus avoiding burnout and liberating the worker to provide a higher level of care. Participants will be equipped with effective communication skills, enabling them to communicate productively with clients as well as to work effectively with co-workers. Participants will be equipped with aspects of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy to increase understanding of biases as well as core beliefs and the effects these beliefs have on occupational sufficiency. In turn, the professional will be able to enhance the substance abuse client's understanding of their personal core beliefs and the effects these beliefs have on their choices in recovery and subsequent relapse prevention.

This training is for substance abuse professionals and other service providers interested in increasing their adolescent client´s possibility of ongoing recovery and reduce adolescent substance abuse recidivism. Participants will receive insight regarding the connection between adolescents´ involvement in toxic relationships and AOD abuse and relapse. Professionals will be equipped to assist adolescents in identifying toxic relationships as gateways to substance abuse as well as substance abuse relapse triggers, thus enhancing the clients´ chances for ongoing AOD recovery. Various user-friendly handouts and worksheets will be provided as tools to assist adolescents in assessing current and past drug related toxic relationships, adapt new behaviors to cope with life´s issues, and to consciously make healthier choices.

This is a (1) day (6) contact hour MCBAP APPROVED SPECIFIC training for substance abuse professionals, social workers, probation officers, recovery coaches, prevention specialists, and other human service workers interested in enhancing skills & knowledge for adhering to ethics and setting boundaries while working with chemically dependent clients. The participants will receive insight to assist in building and maintaining healthy worker / client relationships. Using the Code of Ethics purpose and principles as a guide, the training addresses ethical challenges of working with the substance abuse population. The training will cover some of the unique boundary challenges of today´s recovery environment: Recovering people working with those seeking recovery, Peer recovery coaching, as well as Social Networking. Case Study interaction will afford participants the opportunity to discuss and resolve ethical and boundary situations common to the therapeutic environment.

This is a one (1) day (6) contact hour MCBAP Approved Training (specific to substance abuse) for Addiction Professionals, Social Workers, Probation Officers and other service providers interested in improving their skills & increasing knowledge in understanding the Disease Concept of Addiction & The 12-Step Recovery Process). Professionals will be equipped to assist clients in understanding the Physical, Mental and Spiritual aspects of Chemical dependency; recognizing relapse as a process and utilizing the 12 steps.

TOXIC RELATIONSHIPS - Another Addiction:
This is a one (1) day (6) contact hour MCBAP Approved Training for addiction professionals and service providers interested in improving their skills & increasing knowledge in the area of relationship addictions. This training addresses toxic relationships (a.k.a. unhealthy relationships), an issue specific to substance abuse relapse. Participants will be equipped to educate clients to identify toxic relationships both past and present, recognize the addictive nature of these relationships, identify and understand toxic-relationships as a relapse trigger and to let go of and refrain from toxic relationships as a relapse prevention measure.

This is a one (1) day (6) contact hour MCBAP Approved training for addiction professionals and service providers interested in improving their skills & increasing knowledge in the area of toxic relationships within the family unit & their affects on the use of alcohol and/or other drugs. This training addresses toxic-family relationships (a.k.a. unhealthy relationships), an issue specific to substance abuse relapse. Participants will be equipped to educate those they service to identify toxic family - relationships both past and present, recognize the part they may or may not have played or still do play in these relationships, identify and understand how toxic family relationships serve as a relapse trigger and to move into readiness for change in relation to toxic family members, as a relapse prevention measure. 

This is a (1) day (6) hour MCBAP Approved training Specific to substance abuse, for addiction professionals interested in improving their skills and increasing knowledge in the area of cognitive behavior counseling techniques and approaches. This training is designed to enhance the professional's ability to utilize cognitive behavior theories and approaches to change to assist substance abusers in making life altering changes, thereby reducing substance abuse recidivism. Participants will be equipped to identify clients best suited for specific CBT approaches while using counseling techniques compatible with each cognitive behavioral approach applicable to individual client's substance abuse issues. Participants will be familiarized with the various stages of change in addiction counseling and the vital importance of these stages in choosing CBT approaches and techniques. 

This training is for addiction professionals and other service providers interested in enhancing their ability to assist the adolescent substance abuser in remaining drug free. Participants will be provided with user friendly assessment tools and assignments to engage the client in educational relapse prevention exercises. The objectives include increasing participants ability to convey insight to the youth and their caregivers -regarding addiction as a disease; assisting youth in identifying characteristics and aspects of the disease of addiction – including the hereditary and environmental factors and to provide effective tools to assist human service workers in guiding the family towards healing from the pain of substance abuse in the family and to increase participants ability to assist families with whom they work with tools for reshaping family roles.

This is a 3 hour in-service training for addiction professionals and other service providers interested in improving their skills and increasing knowledge in the area of cognitive behavior group and individual counseling techniques for working with juveniles. Participants will be equipped to utilize Cognitive Behavior Therapy to assist substance abusing juveniles and juveniles with behavior problems in making life altering changes, thereby reducing the recidivism rate. Participants will be provided with user friendly assignments to address the juvenile´s belief system, identify the current stage of change and interventions needed to motivate the adolescent to the next stage.

This is a one day in-service training for service providers interested in improving their skills & increasing knowledge in the area of relationship addictions and cognitive behavior counseling techniques and approaches to change to address the toxic-relationships issue. Toxic relationships are often at the helm of problems that bring people into the human service arena, divorce court and the daily news headlines. Training Objectives: participants will be able to list 5 Characteristics of addictive relationships, list at least 5 toxic relationship relapse triggers to avoid, identify 2 specific types of cognitive behavior therapy approaches applicable to combating relationship addiction, identify 5 characteristics of toxic relationships with healthy alternatives, recognize stages of change regarding toxic relationships, utilize CBT interventions and techniques to assist clients in transcending into the next stage of change.

A JOURNEY OF HEALING - Group & Individual Rape / Incest Counseling:
This is a (1) day (6) contact hour MCBAP Approved Training for substance abuse professionals interested in enhancing skills & knowledge in counseling substance abuse clients who also present with rape/ incest history. This is an issue common to a great deal of substance abusers and often left un-addressed. Participants will receive a Two Phase outline consisting of 13 brief therapeutic activities for Group Rape/Incest counseling. In addition, participants will receive insightful therapeutic information to assist in addressing this delicate topic in the often short time frame allowed for substance abuse treatment. The information presented in this training is developed to enhance the client’s chances of experiencing success in the recovery process, thus reducing the recidivism rate among substance abusers.

This is a one (1) day-6hr. MCBAP approved training for faith based program staff, clergy, outreach ministries, addiction professionals and others who serve the public and are interested in improving skills & increasing knowledge pertaining to addiction in the church. This training offers clinical insight and a systematic biblical approach to the escalating, reoccurring problem of various addictions within the walls of the church. Participants will be better equipped to recognize street and prescription drug abuse and dependence, underlying issues, recognize relapse and backsliding signs, and avoid enabling behavior. The participant will be better equipped to assist the religious addict who - with all of their religious experience, have not been able to remain free from addictions. They will be equipped with enhanced perspectives, clinical insight and biblically based solutions geared towards enhancing ongoing abstinence rate.

This is a MCBAP Approved Training specific to Substance Abuse for Addiction Professionals and service providers interested in assisting their clients in addressing eating disorders while addressing their addiction to alcohol and/or other drugs. Professionals will be equipped to assist clients in defining eating disorders and address eating disorders as they surface as a replacement addiction to drugs including alcohol. This training will enhance the Professionals ability to assist client in utilizing 1 2 steps in conjunction with other adjuncts in addressing existing eating disorders while adapting coping skills to address life issues.

ADDICTION TO CRIME - Games Criminals Play:
This is a one (1) day (6) contact hour MCBAP Approved Training related to substance abuse for addiction professionals and service providers interested in assisting their clients in addressing addiction to criminal behavior while addressing their addiction to alcohol and/or other drugs. Professionals will be equipped to assist clients in identifying the cycle of addiction as it relates to criminal activity, high risk behaviors related to drug relapse as well as triggers related to crime addiction. This training will increase the professionals´ ability to reduce the recidivism rate among repeated offenders as well as first time offenders. Participants will be enlightened regarding games criminals play and effective methods of addressing underlying issues.

RECOVERY: Uphill Journey / Relapse: Downhill Run
(Enhancing the Recovery Process for Methamphetamine & Other Stimulant Users)

This training is for Clinicians, Probation officers and other service providers interested in improving their skills & increasing knowledge to assist methamphetamine & other stimulant users in the recovery process. Due to the severity and the sometimes extended time of withdrawal, substitution with alcohol and other drugs is common. This training will address this issue, giving the professional tools to assist the client in an enhanced recovery experience. User friendly handouts will be provided to assist the client in the recognition of recovery and relapse as processes rather than events, thus identifying some of the principles of recovery and pitfalls associated with relapse; recognizing post-acute withdrawal syndrome; the cognitive relapse process; the importance of avoiding alcohol use; benefits of 12 Step support and the possibility of functional normalization.


VENUS AND MARS: Gender Specific Treatment Issues and Treatment Strategies for Adults and Youth with Substance Use Disorders - This training is for substance abuse professionals, social workers, probation officers, recovery coaches, prevention specialists, and other human service workers interested in enhancing their ability to identify gender specific issues. Participants will be equipped with information useful in enhancing the effectiveness of the therapeutic process, the therapist/client relationship as well as the treatment planning process, in an effort to reduce the recidivism rate and to assist in the prevention of adolescents becoming adult substance abusers. The participants will receive insight to assist in recognizing and addressing treatment needs specific to women and men as well as both female and male adolescents. This training will take an indebt look at treatment plan goals and objectives specific to gender and age. Case Study interaction will afford participants the opportunity to discuss gender-specific issues and practice inclusion of these issues in the treatment planning process.

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